Aalu Bukhara

Aalu Bukhara

Botanical Name

Prunus domestica L.




Druparia prunus Clairv., Prunus communis Huds., Prunus oeconomica Borkh.

Regional Name

English : Prune, Hindi : Alu, Alubukhara, Alucha, Ahanalu, Sanskrit : Alabukhara, Aaruka, Arukam, Urdu : Ajaas, Alu bokhara, Alu bukhara, Alubokhara, Kannada : Aaloobokara, Albogaara hannu, Albogade, albokhala, Malayalam : Arukam, Alums, Marathi : Aaaloobukhaara, veeraruruka, Tamil : Aluppukkarappalam, Telugu : Alpagaadaa pondlu, Alpagodapandu.

Part Used



It is a small deciduous tree grows 9 to 15 m (29 to 50 ft) tall, and has reddish-brown twigs with few or no spines; young twigs are often pubescent (covered with short, downy hair). The leaves are oval to oblong, up to 10 cm (4 in) long, somewhat serrated or with wavy margins. The 5-petalled white flowers occur singly or in clusters of 2 or 3. The fruit is up to 8 cm (3 in) long and is round to oval drupe with a hard, stony, flattened pit.


Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa : Madhura, Amla, Kasaya, Guna : Guru, Snigdha, Vipaka : Madhura, Virya : Usna, Karma : Dipana, Grahi, Rucya, Vatahara, Pacana.


It contains niacin, vitamin B-6, patothenic acid, and oxyphenisatin. It also contains flavonoids, flavonoid glycosides, abscisic acid, lignans, carotenoid pigments, quinic acid, bipyrrole, dihydroflavonols, and carbohydrates.

Ayurvedic Applications

Aksiroga, Svasa, Kustha, Visa, Gulma, Sula, Adhmana, Anaha, Krmiroga, Udararoga, Siroroga, Vibandha, Hrdroga.

Medicinal Uses

It is used for treating cancer prevention, digestive health, brain health, constipation, blood sugar, macular prevention, and weight loss. It is also used for treating arteriosclerosis, excess uric acid, rheumatism and arthrosis, gout, and liver diseases.

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