Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals OBIFIT, a natural product, will help fight the “battle of the bulge” naturally so that you can have a safer and healthier body weight which is essential for your overall health and well being. With ingredients like Balasamodendron Mukul, Gymnema Sylvestre, Crataeva nurvala, Tribulus Terrestris, Zingiber Officinalis, Neem Leaf, Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Billerica, etc, Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals OBIFIT will also help curtail overweight, so that you can build a healthier body, along with getting added energy to enjoy your life to the fullest each day.
- Balasamodendron Mukul
Along with exercise and a reduced-calorie diet, might slightly reduce weight.
- Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema Sylvestre is said to lower sugar cravings, while reducing the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the body, potentially providing a two-fold action to combat weight gain and diabetes. Diabetes is a common disorder caused by the body’s inability to utilize (or produce) insulin properly. Lack of insulin—or lack of insulin’s efficiency—results in high blood sugar; this is because insulin is a hormone that is responsible for moving the glucose (blood sugar) from the blood, into the cell, to be used for energy.
- Crataeva Nurvala
It is good for anorexia and helps to stimulate the appetite
- Tribulus Terrestris
Because of the boost in testosterone levels, this supplement is also an excellent muscle builder and will help a user to burn belly fat.
- Zingiber Officinalis
In obese women, it promoted weight reduction and decreases in insulin, leptin, resistin and glucose levels.
- neem leaf
Help you achieve a clean stomach and will improve your metabolism. Neem aids in the breakdown of body fat, which helps keep your weight in check.
- Emblica Officinalis
Indian gooseberry fruit or fruit extract for 4 weeks to 6 months decreases LDL, or "bad", cholesterol in people with high cholesterol.
- Terminalia Chebula
Haritaki or Terminalia Chebula effectively helps in weight loss, by balancing doshas, increasing Agni or metabolism and by drying up of fat tissues.
- Terminalia Bellerica
Since this fruit reduces Kapha and Medhadhatu (body fat), it is used in weight reduction.It also helps to cure loss of appetite, thirst, bloating, flatulence, piles, and various worm infestations.
A Natural Product To Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos!
There may be many reasons why your body loses its natural shape and why pounds pile up, but that should no more give you worrisome nights. The time-tested traditional healing method of Ayurveda has a unique solution for all such reasons! One such remedy from the ancient healing traditions is now available in the form of OBIFIT Capsules from Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals
OBIFIT Helps you Achieve your weight loss goals without starving yourself.
Health problems due to overweight? Stop worrying about and Start OBIFIT!
OBIFIT Helps you Now Stop fretting about your Bulging waistline.
OBIFIT Helps you to be insecure about your looks and body.
OBIFIT Helps you to have a peaceful sleep without worrying about increasing body mass.


| Balasamodendron Mukul | Gymnema Sylvestre | Crataeva Nurvala | Tribulus Terrestris
|Zingiber Officinalis | Neem Leaf | Emblica Officinalis | Terminalia Chebula |Terminalia
Bellerica |


- Adults:
Capsule: 1 – 2 Capsules thrice a day
- Children:
Capsule: 1 – 2 Capsules twice a day
Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.