Agnimanth / Arani

Agnimanth / Arani

Botanical Name

Premna serratifolia L.




Premna integrifolia Willd., Premna integrifolia L., Cornutia corymbosa Burm.f., Gumira  abbreviata (Miq.) Kuntze, Gumira attenuata (R.Br.) Kuntze, Gumira opulifolia (Miq.) Kuntze, Premna  angustior (C.B.Clarke) Ridl., Premna laevigata Miq., Premna obtusifolia R.Br. Premna opulifolia Miq., Premna  ovata R.Br., Premna spinosa Roxb.  

Regional Name

English : Headache Tree, Hindi : Agetha, Arani, Ustabunda, Sanskrit : Arani, Agnibijaka, Agnimantha, Ganakasika, Vanhimula,  Vijayantika, Tamil : Arani, Pasumunnai, Vaicayanti, Malayalam : Appel, Ben, Munna, Panira, Kannada : Agnimandha, Agnimantha, Telugu : Gabbunelli, Karnika, Marathi : Arani, Chamari, Kharanarvel, Kharo narvel, Tamil :  Arani, Pasumunnai.

Part Used

Stem Bark.


It is globally distributed along the coasts and islands of tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa, Australia, Indo-Malesian region to Pacific and also in Sri Lanka. Within India it is distributed in Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It is an evergreen shrub, 1-8 m tall. Leaves are 3-15 cm long, 2.5-9.5 cm wide. Flowers are pale green 1.5-3 mm across, borne in flat-topped clusters about 10-20 cm across. Fruits are black, 3-4 mm long. It has green to brown bark which is smooth or scaly.


It contains Linalool, Luteolin, linoleic acid, p-methoxy Cinnamic acid, Aphelandrine, ganikarine, pentacyclic terpenebetulin, premnaspirodiene, premnazole, premnenol, premnine, ganiarine and β-sitosterol.


Medicinal Uses

It is useful in general debility, neurological diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, inflammatory disorders, neuralgia, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, piles, flatulent, constipation, common cold, cough, bronchitis, and loss of appetite. It is also useful in eruptive fevers, which include infections like scarlet fever (scarlatina), measles, smallpox, varioloid eruptions, and erysipelas. It is also used in leprosy, skin disorders, lung disease, liver disorders, heart disease, diabetes, dyspepsia, anorexia, urticarial, and kidney diseases.

Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa : Tikta, Katu, Kasaya, Madhura, Guna : Ruksha, Laghu, Virya : Ushna, Vipaka : Katu, Karma : Kapha dosha & Vata dosha.

Ayurvedic Applications

Pachana,  Depana, Jwara, Kushta, Sotha, Kasa, Antrasula, Prameha, Atisara, Pilahayakritroga, Asmari, Chardi. 

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