Botanical Name
Althaea godronii Alef., Althaea mauritiana Alef., Malva ambigua Guss., Malva erecta C.Presl, Malva grossheimii Iljin, Malva mauritiana L.,
Regional Name
English : blue mallow, cheese flower, common mallow, high mallow, Hindi : gurchanti, socholi, Urdu : gul-i-khubazi, khubaji, khubbazi, tukhm gul-i-khair, tukhm khubazi, tukhm khubbazi, tukhm-e-khubbazi, Kannada : sanna bindee gida, sanna bindige gida, seeme bende, Marathi : kubaajee.
Part Used
This species is globally distributed in temperate and subtropical Eurasia, introduced and naturalized in North America. Within India, it is found from Kashmir to Kumaon up to an altitude of 2400 m., Bihar, and parts of the Deccan Peninsula, mostly as a weed. It is also cultivated in gardens. Khubbaji is a biennial or perennial plant. It is covered with small hairs and usually has creeping stems. It can grow up to one meter in height. It is a vigorously healthy plant with showy flowers of bright mauve-purple, with dark veins; a handsome plant, often standing 3 or 4 feet (1 m) high and growing freely in fields, hedgerows, and in fallow fields.
The main chemical constituents are ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phytosterol, potassium nitrate, and alkaloids. It also contains Vitamins A, B, C, E; inulin; mucilage; phenols; flavonoids; essential fatty acids; fiber; calcium; magnesium; zinc; selenium; potassium.
Medicinal Uses
It is used especially for inflammation, urinary disorders, diseases of respiratory systems, asthma, bronchitis, coughing, throat infections, and emphysema. It is also used for the treatment of kidney stones, gallstones, kidney inflammation, headache, constipation, gastritis, toothaches, and insomnia. It is also used for the treatment of wounds, boils, skin rashes, insect bites, pimples, eczema, acne, and swellings.
Ayurvedic Properties
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha, Rasa : Tikta, Katu, Kashaya, Vipaka : Katu, Virya : Ushna, Karma : Tridosahara.
Ayurvedic Applications
Pachana, Depana, Raktadosha, Sotha, Kasa, Antrasula, Prameha
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