Doctor Thangs Crusca comes in two different forms both well in syrup and capsule. The great herbal combination of Doctor Thangs CRUSCA makes it an ideal alkalizer and stones crusher which gives a natural pure strength that dissolves even the toughest threats of life.it works as an adjuvant to antibiotics when in urinary tract infections. Doctor thangs Crusca assure to dissolve and disintegrate 1 to 15 mm calculi within a span usage of 3 months. it provided a type of viscosity inside the renal system and during the process after disintegration that results in no wounds inside the renal system and safe and easy passage of small disintegrated calculi without nay burning micturition.it can be given to all age groups and that too without antibiotics for normal UTI infections. It prevents recurrent UTI infections. it inhibits calculogenisi by reducing stone-forming substances and also offers antispasmodic and anti-inflammation activity thus relieves ureteric colic.
Doctor Thangs CRUSCA Is used to make the urine less acidic, Urine that is less acidic helps the kidneys get rid of uric acid and helps to prevent Gout. It relieved mild discomfort in urinary tract disorders.
Doctor Thangs CRUSCA is a systematic alkalizer that relieves the relieves discomfort of cystitis caused by lower urinary tract infections. moreover correct hyperoxaluria, hyper crystalluria, hematuria and prevents recurrence. It normalizes the Urinary PH keeps the kidney and urinary tract flushed with its diuretic properties and takes action without altering electrolyte balance.
Doctor Thangs CRUSCA the ultimate solution o clear away UTI infections and crushes kidneys Calculi and its scientific herbal combination makes it THE FIRST CHOICE ALKALIZER.
Doctor Thangs CRUSCA is a systemic alkalizer that relieves the discomfort of cystitis caused by lower urinary tract symptoms. A systemic urinary alkalizer that helps to brain and drain calculi. It is an electrolyte replenisher, Durectic, clears away burning micturition. Doctor Thangs Crusca its scientific herbal formulae makes it the first choice alkalizer.
- Acts as systemic alkalizer and Alters PH of urine.
- Reduces the risk of crystalluria and cystinuria and stone formation
- Useful for relieving acidosis.
- Relieves the incidence of burning micturition.
- Also useful as a useful adjuvant to antibiotics.
- Useful in patients to alleviate discomfort from urinary tract infections.
- Reduces chances of Uric Acid stones in the initial stages of uricosuric therapy


Crusca contains the fortified composition for a quick relief as
CRUSCA Capsules
Each Capsule Contains :
Tribulus Terrestris Ext | Boerhaavua Diffusa | Rubia Cordifolia | Cyperus Rotundus |
Berberis Adstata | Hemidesmus Indicus | Tinospora Cordifolia | Crataeva Murvala |
Cynon Dactylon |
CRUSCA syrup
Each 5 ml Contains Aqueous Extracts of :
Tribulus Terrestris | Boerhaavua Diffusa | Rubia Cordifolia | Cyperus Rotundus | Berberis
Aristata | Hemidesmus Indicus | Tinospora Cordifolia | Crataeva Murvala | Cynon


- Adults:
Capsule: 2 – 3 capsules thrice a day with luke warm water
Syrup: 2 – 3 teaspoonful thrice a day with luke warm water
- Children:
Capsule: 1 – 2 capsules thrice a day luke warm water
Syrup: 1 – 2 teaspoonful thrice a day luke warm water
The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for any professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or conduct any treatment without consulting a doctor To those who have allergy or hypersensitivity of the medicine or in the event of overdose seek medical advice immediately. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before taking this product. Please stop if you have seen any adverse drug reaction.
Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.