Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals NERVE PLUS™ is a Science-Based phytoextract A new Innovation for all Neuropathy a powerful combination of Green laver Extract and Oyster shell extract. Ir regenerates neurons and relieves neuralgia.
Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals NERVE PLUS™ is highly bioavailable, easy to swallow and readily available for your body, preferred by those who have any form of neuropathy, nerve pain or nerve damage, including those looking for a nerve aid supplement to boost nerve regeneration. It contains Dried Green laver (Enteromorpha sp.) and Purple laver ( Porphyra sp.) have been the most popular selections of edible seaweed and also contain a substantial amount of vitamin B12. Furthermore, dried purple also contains high levels of other nutrients that are lacking in vegetarian diets such as iron and N-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Calcium is a mineral that is found naturally in foods. Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of your body, especially bone formation and maintenance.oysters contain some minerals necessary for human bodies to function optimally, such as zinc, iron, selenium, and calcium (the oyster shell is particularly rich in calcium as well). Oyster meat is also a good source of protein and vitamins A, C, D, and B12. It contains amino acids such as taurine that are vital for good health and provides omega-3 fats. Oyster shell extract can also help reduce inflammation in the body, according to the journal Preventive Nutrition and Food Science. This result of oxidative stress results in symptoms such as joint irritation and erosion of joint cartilage in arthritis.
In addition, whole-body inflammation can lead to diseases like heart disease and cancer. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are also associated with this type of stress. Being able to reduce or eliminate this condition can improve your immunity from disease. This is the Neuropathy nerve support you have been waiting for, take charge of your life and get the health and happiness you deserve today… START NOW … and join the 1000’s of nerve suffers who enjoy the Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals NERVE PLUS™ difference.
Great care was put into combining just the right amount of Phytoextracts ingredients into a premium formula to support nerve pain and regeneration. Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals NERVE PLUS™ utilizes high quality, scientific evidence-based findings in the formulation of its products. YOU get the very best support. Get the Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy support you deserve.
Acts as neuroprotective help in regeneration of myelin sheath.
Repairs the damaged nerves and increases nerve condition velocity.
Decrease Release of Neurotransmitter and Reduces pain associated with Neuropathy.
Arrests the progress of diabetic neuropathy as well as helps in the regeneration of myelin sheath and relieves pain.


| Dried Green | purple sp lavers ext | Oyster shell ext | cannabis ext | Rhodiola Rosea ext |


- Adults:
Capsule: 1 – 2 Capsules twice a day
- Children:
Capsule: 1 – 2 Capsules Once a day
Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.