SWAASTHA FORTE By Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals is a Siddha Proprietary herbal formulation for cough. SWAASTHA FORTE is a honey-based cough formulation that cleary away the upper respiratory infections without the alternative use of antibiotics. SWAASTHA FORTE is safe in pregnancy and pediatrics that works as an expectorant and well as an excellent immune modulator. SWAASTHA FORTE works by expelling out the sputum through its bronchodilatory actions, gives a soothing effect to the irritated throat and membranes. Its fast action formulation, an expectorant, and an excellent immune modulator
Scientifical evidence of Ingredients used in SWAASTHA FORTE
- Glycyrrhiza Glabra-
Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent, and Antispasmodic Activity Increase the fluidity of mucus from lungs and bronchial tubes, Inhibits Phospholipase A2.
- Odium Sanctum -
Acts as Demulcent and posses Antiviral Activity.
- Tylophora Asthmatica -
Active constituents Thylophorine, Tyliophorinidine possess anti-asthmatic, Anti-inflammatory and Immunosuppressive effects. Thylophorine interferes with the action of mast cells, which are key components in the process of inflammation.
- Solanum Tailobatum -
Produces progressive improvements in the ventilatory function of asthmatics Decrease in edema and secretions in the airway lumen
- Solanum xanthocarpum -
Active constituent Solasonine - controls cough, asthma, and pains in the chest. An effective drug acts as an Expectorant and diuretic.
- Saussurea Lappa -
Antispasmodic, Broncho dilatory and BP-lowering effects.
- Clerodendron Serratum -
Anti Inflammatory effects. Piper Longum - Builds up a strong resistance against respiratory tract constriction and inflammation.
- Lippia nodiflora -
In the treatment of cough and sore throat. Zingiber Officinale -Antioxidant and Bronchial Anti Inflammatory effect.
- Tinospora Cordifolia -
Immuno stimulant, Anti Spasmodic, and Anti-inflammatory activity.
SWAASTHA FORTE cough syrup and capsules are made using traditional herbs and natural ingredients that provide quick cough relief and help improve immunity to further combat the underlying illness. The natural way of treating cough without causing any drowsiness.Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals SWAASTHA FORTE Syrup & Capsule is a Cough relief and non-drowsy formula which is made with the goodness of honey, tulsi and others herbs SWAASTHA FORTE is Safe herbal product from Doctor Thangs Herbaceuticals which has been formulated by selective and effective herbal preparation to ease the cough, sore throat naturally.
Mechanism of Action
Expectorant- Loosening of sputum helps to expels congestion in the upper respiratory tract.
Demulcent - Soothing to irritated membranes. Inhibits Phospholipase A2, in turn, inhibits the formation of Leukotrienes which are potent broncho Constricting agents.
Inhibits mast cell degranulation and histamine release in the presence of Allergen.
Anti Allergic Action - reduces passive cutaneous sensitivity and protects against antigen-induced Bronchospasm and also protect mast cells.


| Adhatoda Vasika | Glycynhiza Glabra | Ocimum Sandum | Tylophora Asthmatica | Solanum
Tailobatum | Solanum Xanthocarpum | Saussurea Lappa | Clerodendron Serratum | Piper
Longum | Lippia Noditlora | Mukia Scavrilla | Zingiber Officinale | Tinospora Cordifolia |


- Adults:
Capsule: 2 – 3 capsules thrice a day
Syrup: 2 – 3 teaspoonful thrice a day
- Children:
Capsule: 1 – 2 capsules thrice a day
Syrup: 1 – 2 teaspoonful thrice a day
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